Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Pink Sand, White Powder, Exotic Black Sand on Caribbean Beaches

Turquoise Water on the BeachCaribbean Beaches are world re-known for their Pink sand, White powder, Exotic Black sand, and warm, Turquoise Waters.

Most Beach Lovers desire nothing more than to spend lazy days at their Favorite Beach Hangout.

Stick around and also find a great Caribbean beach resort.

Caribbean White Sand Beaches

Caribbean White Sand BeachWhere does white coral sand originate?

Believe it or not, from a colorful green fish! The Parrot fish use their beaks to scrape off coral rock.

The fish digest algae and expel the algae as fine white sand. One fish can produce tons of soft white sand each year.

Caribbean Pink Sand Beaches

Caribbean Pink Sand BeachPink Sand is the result of the colorful red shells of tiny sea creatures called "foraminifera". These tiny creatures live beneath rocks and inside caves. Their red shells are broken up by the surf into fine, soft pink colored sand.

Caribbean Black Sand Beaches

Formed when hot lava flows into the Caribbean Sea, and breaks into black sand pieces which eventually flows back to the shore.

Caribbean Black Sand BeachThe texture of black sand is course, unlike white sand or pink sand beaches.

Volcanic black sand beaches of the Caribbean's volcanic islands include: Saint Lucia, Grenada, Dominica, Nevis, Saint Kitts and Montserrat.

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