Monday, March 13, 2006

Redang Islands, Malaysia

Redang Island is located in Malaysia on 45 kms. offshore of Terengganu. By approximately 7km in length 6km in width.

White sandy beaches by crystal clear blue sea...brilliant underwater world. Redang islands group are 9 islands; Lima Island, Kerengga Besar Island, Paku Kecil Island, Paku Besar Island, Pinang Island, Ekor Tebu Island, Ling Island, Kerengga Kecil Island and the main Redang Island that abound with fantastic marine fishes, turtles and coral reefs that guarantee great snorkelling and scuba diving experience.

The Redang islands group has been designated as Pulau Redang Marine Parks Malaysia as to conserve the islands unique ecosystem. There are 500 species of live corals, more than a thousand species of invertebrates and almost 3000 species of fishes which includes stingrays, manta rays, sharks and whale sharks, all living in harmony in the reefs fringing the islands. It is a real heaven for divers.

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At 2:38 AM, Blogger Cece said...

Hi i would like ask you a few question can you email me at

At 10:19 PM, Blogger Li Fang Wei said...

Ukhost, you can left the question here :)

At 1:11 PM, Blogger Cece said...

Its a bit private so thats why i dont want to leave for the world to see

At 7:54 PM, Blogger Li Fang Wei said...



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