Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Dog Beach, Leash-Free

I like this board!!!

The City of San Diego, Park and recreation department

Enter at your own risk
User of the leash-free area accept liability for action of their dogs.
This is a 24 hour leash-free area for dogs
Leash-free area includes all of the sand spit and the adjacent water, leash-free area
begins on the north side of flood control jetty.

Dog Beach, Leash-Free


1. Users must keep their dogs on leashes going to and from the leash-free area.
2. Users must monitor and control their dogs at all times.
3. Owners must clean up after their dogs.
4. Aggressive behavior by dogs is not permitted.
5. Dogs must have current license and have no contagious disease.
6. Puppies under 4 months of age not recommended.
7. Spaying and neutering of dogs is recommended. Dogs in season are not allowed.
8. Parents must closely supervise children. Parents must ask permission from the dog owner for children to play with.
9. Excession barking is not allowed.
10. Pet treats or food are not allowed, except as part of a special event which has a park use permit.

Violations of the regulations may result in revocation of the leash-free area designation and/or prosecution under applicable law

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