Paris Hilton, Christmas on the beach
Maui, Hawaii Beach where Paris Hilton will spend on 2005 Christmas…the tropical holiday as She told America's New York Post newspaper: "We will all stay at a hotel in Maui for Christmas and then I'm hosting a party at Tao for New Year's with Nicky. Then I'll go skiing."

Maui, Hawaii Beach
As we know by Land of the sun or Valley Island, This one was well known as world’s largest dormant volcano (Haleakala) and second largest of the populated Hawaiian Islands. Underwater valley here was provide the shelter for marine life.More than 1,000 years Maui's geography has changed even more rapidly. Formed by 6 different volcanoes, the islands of Maui, Moloka'i, Lana'i and Kaho'olawe were once a single continent that known as Maui Nui (Great Maui). And rising sea levels finally was separated the islands but they are still legally linked today…all are part of Maui County.
More about Maui, Hawaii Beach
*Maui's flower is the pink cottage rose (loke lani ) and the color for Maui is Pink*The underwater valleys that once join Maui, Kaho'olawe and Molokai Lanai are shallower than the surrounding ocean that providing shelter for an abundance of marine life by including the humpback whales, that migrate to Hawaiian waters during winter.
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